Enzeroizer (Rotation Fixer) ( V3 )

Drop this into the root of your linked object and it will self seed to all links in a set (object). After re-rezzing the object and setting the scripts running it will set the rotations to whatever they were but with the smallest 3 decimal places made 000.


    https://d1yjxggot69855.cloudfront.net/skins/monobook/bullet.gif); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">
  • E.g. <75 .458392, 128,038754, 298.836580> will become <75 .458000, 128,038000, 298.836000>.

This will make minor rotational drifts that occur due to one of our favorite bugs less of an issue. I have done light testing and think it's fine. Make a copy of your object before using this script just in case it goes wrong.

// V3 //
SelfSeed() // The function name.
    string name = llGetScriptName(); // Store the name of this script to save calling for it over and over.
    integer links_in_set = llGetObjectPrimCount(llGetKey()); // Store how many links there are.
    integer count = 2; // Establish a counter that will start at the next link in the set.
    do // This is the point from which we loop if the while condition is met.
    llGiveInventory(llGetLinkKey(count), name); // Deliver a copy of this script to the link number "count".
    while((++count) <= links_in_set); // Increment "count" and check if it is still less than or equal to the number of links.
} // If "count" is not more than the number of links loop back to "do".
float Float(float f) // The function name and the float data it carries.
    return ((float)(llDeleteSubString(((string)f), -3, -1) + "000")); // Typecast the delivered float to a string.
                                                                      // Chop the last 3 characters off the string and add 3 zeros.
                                                                      // Then typecast the result to a float and return it.
Enzeroize() // The function name.
    vector rot = (llRot2Euler(llGetLocalRot())*RAD_TO_DEG); // Store the local rotation of the prim as a vector.
    // Below : Take each of the axes (X, Y & Z) and feed to the "Float()" function then convert the vector to a rotation and set it.
default // Create a state.
    state_entry() // On entering the state...
        if(llGetLinkNumber() == 1) // ...Check if we are the root of a LINK_SET.
            SelfSeed(); // Call the "SelfSeed()" function.
            Enzeroize(); // Call the "Enzeroize()" function.
            // Below : Issue instructions in chat to the owner of the object.
            llOwnerSay("\nTake me to your inventory and re-rez me." +
                       "\nThen open an edit on me and goto your \"Tools\" menu." +
                       "\nNear the bottom of the menu click \"Set Scripts Running In Selection\"." +
                       "\nAll the scripts will self delete after Enzeroizing.");
        else // If not in the root or if not in a LINK_SET...
        Enzeroize(); // ...Call the "Enzeroize()" function.
        llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); // Whether in the root or not, this script removes itself from the prim.


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Easy Object Rotation

//////////CHANGE THESE SETTINGS////////////////////
string speed = "NORMAL"; //"VERY SLOW", "SLOW", "NORMAL", "FAST", "VERY FAST"
string direction = "FORWARD"; //"FORWARD", "REVERSE"
////////////////END SETTINGS///////////////////////

        vector speedvector = <0,0,0.6>;
        if (speed == "VERY SLOW")
           speedvector = <0,0,0.15>;
        else if (speed == "SLOW")
           speedvector = <0,0,0.3>;
        else if (speed == "NORMAL")
           speedvector = <0,0,0.6>;
        else if (speed == "FAST")
           speedvector = <0,0,1>;
        else if (speed == "VERY FAST")
           speedvector = <0,0,5>;
        if (direction == "REVERSE")
            speedvector.z *= -1;
        llOwnerSay("Object is rotating " + direction + " " + speed + ".");


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Rotate On Click

integer switch = TRUE;
integer count = 0;
        llSay(0,"WaterWheel Pulley Initialized");
on_rez(integer start_param)
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
            if (switch == FALSE)
            switch = TRUE;
            else if (switch == TRUE)
            switch = FALSE;
         llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),"Owner says no.");


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