Tint on Touch

Written by Kitsune
// Simple opacity level changing script.
// Script cycles through the values on touch.
// Kimm Paulino
// Written for Tanisha Benoir, Feb 2012
integer gLowestLevel = 0;    // This is the most transparent setting (0, 1, 2, etc)
integer gSteps = 4;          // This is the number of steps to support
// Do not change below here
integer gOpacityLevel = 0;  
    on_rez (integer start_param)
    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        if (gOpacityLevel > gSteps)
            gOpacityLevel = gLowestLevel;
        float opacity = (1.0/(float)gSteps) * gOpacityLevel;
        llSetAlpha(opacity, ALL_SIDES);