Pull Info from Notecard

string gName = "Testnotecard";    // name of a notecard in the object's inventory
integer gLine = 0;        // current line number
key gQueryID; // id used to identify dataserver queries

        gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine);    // request first line
        gLine++;                // increase line count

    dataserver(key query_id, string data) 
        if (query_id == gQueryID) 
            if (data != EOF) 
            {    // not at the end of the notecard
                llSay(0, data);    // output the line
                gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine);    // request next line
                gLine++;                // increase line count


Make a notecard called "Testnotecard" put in any information you need and this script will say it to you in-world.  This is a great example of how to script for a notecard