Simple Notecard Reader

Written by Kitsune

From Lucinda Bulloch via the scripting forum:

this is a basic one but shows you how it works

list datalist = []; //the lines of the card will be placed here

key conquery; // the key that the server gives you data

integer dataend = 0; //line counter

string notecardname = "name of card here"; //name of card to be read

  on_rez(integer start_param)
    llResetScript(); //reset and clear memory on rez
    conquery = llGetNotecardLine(notecardname ,dataend); //ask data server to get a line from the notecard

dataserver(key query_id, string data)
   if(query_id == conquery) //is the key the one i want
     if (data != EOF) // has it reached the end of the file?
       datalist += data; //add the line to the data list
       dataend ++;       //increase to the next line
       conquery = llGetNotecardLine(notecardname,dataend); // get the next line
        dataend =0;//all data got and ready to read another card
        // the card is loaded into list do something
        // if you have another card to load - then start a new key to load a diff list
        // or if using the same list, overwrite notecardname with the new name
        // and call conquery = llGetNotecardLine(notecardname,dataend) again          