// Send an IM to the objects owner and the list of avs listed in the script.
// Will also send an acknowledgement IM to the touching av.
// NB that SL includes delays and throttling to prevent spamming
// see: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlInstantMessage
// Kimm Paulino
// Written for Laz Longfall, Jun 2012
// List of full avatar UUIDs.
// you can get this from viewing the profile of each avatar in SL
// (well in firestorm anyway)
// IMPORTANT: There is no error checking of these - make
// sure you paste them in correctly!
list avs = [
// Remember no comma after the last entry ...
string helpmsg = "Someone needs help!";
string ackmsg = "I've IM'd the store owners.  Someone will be along as soon as possible.";
    touch_start (integer num_detected)
        key owner = llGetOwner();
        key sender = llDetectedKey(0);
        string name = llKey2Name (sender);
        list timestamp = llParseString2List(llGetTimestamp(),["T","."],[""]);
        string time = llList2String(timestamp, 0) + " " + llList2String(timestamp, 1);
        llInstantMessage (sender, ackmsg);
        string msg = time + " " + helpmsg + " [" + name + "]";
        llInstantMessage (owner, msg);
        integer num = llGetListLength (avs);
        integer i;
        for (i=0; i